Student Advisory Committee (SAC)

Our SAC plays a vital role in supporting our school's growth and success. Led by TVM Chair, Dr. Maureen McDonough, the SAC represents the school, community, and those closest to the students, sharing responsibility for guiding TVM towards excellence. With a focus on implementing the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP), the SAC plays a vital role in shaping policies and programs that enhance the academic achievement and overall educational experience for our students. Through collaboration and shared responsibility, the SAC fosters a dynamic learning environment that nurtures the potential of every student. Feel free to reach out to the TVM SAC with your feedback and ideas as we work together to create a brighter future for our students.

SAC Bylaws
  • Consists of teachers, students, parents and education support personnel (elected by their peers) and other citizens representative of the ethnic, racial and economic community served by school.
  • Approves of the expenditure of school improvement funds. [see state statutes] ( lottery enhancement funds)
  • Performs functions as prescribed by regulations of the school board.
  • Supports school improvement implementation.
  • Collects and analyzes information about the community and the school and receives public input regarding needs (Needs Assessment) of the school. SACs provides ongoing review of the progress being made toward implementation of the school improvement plan. SACs evaluates success by monitoring short-term and long-term outcomes.
  • Adheres to the “Sunshine Law”.
  • SAC members attend meetings.
  • SAC & the school’s staff jointly decided on how to spend A+ recognition money (“determined by the school’s staff and school advisory council…”)
  • The whole point of school improvement is data-driven decision making. The process is SUPPOSED to be fairly simple and straightforward: The SAC reviews relevant data (which is much more than test scores), identifies problem areas, develops improvement strategies, monitors their implementation, and then starts the whole process over when the next round of data is available.

SAC Meetings (2024-2025)

SAC Meetings (2023-2024)